金甲小妹妹17 歲移民加拿大,現已34歲,家人在加國,自已則在美國西雅圖一軟件公司做會計,對薪金,工時,工作壓力等比例滿意。
不過居安思危,都想試下有沒有新發展,知道溫哥華有很多金銀礦公司,有 head office accounting 類型的工作。由於已成為金甲,看好未來金銀礦公司發展,故想試試回流加國找這類工作。
但問題是溫哥華薪金較低,大約要比現在薪金少20-30%,況且看了168的糟老頭大分析,知道mining is a high risk business,在昌明之地好多環保之士阻撓,九反之地又有土匪,政府攪亂,故怕自已過份樂觀,放棄現有工作會否犧牲太大?
13 則留言:
加拿大梗係好 銀行冇乜玩衍生工具 而且遠離是非之地 揾少D 有乜所謂 親情和安定 係買唔到
"加拿大梗係好 銀行冇乜玩衍生工具"
That's incorrect. In fact, the Canadian government has secretly bailed out TD Bank (one of the 5 Canadian banks) back in 08/09.
Also, the banking system of Canada is highly exposed to European bonds.
I live in Vancouver, so I know a thing or two about the city.
Financially, please consider:
Your wage/salary is 20-30% less than in the States. On the other hand, your everyday-expense (e.g. food, housing, gas) is likely to be 2 double than when you are in the states.
Politically, please consider:
1. Canadians are living in a more prison state than Americans. The Canadian government continuously does a lot of things to rip your freedom away secretly. One good example is the signing of ACTA back in 2006, when the government did it secretly and the presstitutes turned a blind eye to the event.
2. You have a government and a population that loves central planning. They love government to step in and do stuff for the population. I hate this aspect of Canada.
3. You have a police force and a military that took an oath to serve the British queen instead of the public.
That being said, a few good things:
1. Spending time with your family is good.
2. Vancouver has a nice multicultural society (you probably know about this). If you especially like Asian products, you will find nothing short of abundance of Asian shopping/dining options.
3. Vancouver's city dynamic is less oppressive than Seattle (I've been to Seattle and I know people who lived in Vancouver and works in Seattle, and this is the opinion I got).
4. Your work is likely to have less pressure than what you have in the States.
At the end, I believe you have to make the final decision yourself. I, however, can provide you more pros/cons or information about Vancouver (if you are not familiar with it already) to help you weigh your costs/benefits to make your decision.
Your analysis is very depth and broad. Of course, Canada is much better than U.S. for living standard.
Furthermore, I totally agree with the point what you mentioned about financial institutions that bailed out by Canada government secretly.
Many people thought that Canada in this field did much better than US but actually not!
if you have already got a good exposure in precious metals or mining companies, don't work a job in mining company.
In short, Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
booksilver 要價稍貴.
如上面的網友所說,我們無法幫你決定。Just as what other has said, no one can make the decision for you. 還有我們不熟識你的狀況,只能夠給你非常表面的意見。我們旁觀者齜牙鬆杠,但最後承受的是你自己。
我屋企人都在温,係我就會返加,税是高,living standard亦是。但近屋企人重要,至於發展機會,肯放眼世界到處都是機會,現今是globalization 社會,就算人在加,亦不是局限一個地方,一個城市。