If everything goes well, it goes well. if anything go wrong with K, you can expect to lose your money/metal.
it happened in many trust law cases. even if they give you a certificate saying you own a certain wine in their cellar which you can recall anytime, it is still possible that you don't get that wine when they go bankcrupt.
16 則留言:
可以說是紙金銀的一種類, 不過可以提實貨出來的 !
可能方便少錢的人可以慢慢儲到一盎司才提出來 !
不過風險一定有的, 所以須自己衡量下信唔信間公司囉 ! 唔想冒險的還是可以用一手交錢一手交貸的方法囉 !
這個我問過 英文是:pool account 當KITCO發生問題的時候 可以拿你的錢去還而且法院也可以查封 因為裡面的錢...屬於KITCO 當然基於誠信問題 我們可以祈禱KITCO不會這樣做
let me put it this way, if KITCO were to have any problems, it would one of these 3:
Cash problem
Metal problem
Cash & Metal problem
- if it is a cash problem, then they could just sell their metal and pay out the cash
- if it is a metal problem, then good luck, (short term waiting periods of weeks and months does not count)
- if it is both a cash and metal problem...
請問一下各位金甲銀甲 你們會購買金銀會安心放在購買零售商(ex:KITCO)幫我們申請的儲存倉庫中嗎(Ex: Via Mat) 如果真的如各位所料發生最糟糕情況 金漲價到15000 (或是麥克馬龍尼說的200000美金一盎司 那時候銀至少2000一盎司)為何Via Mat或者KITCO不直接違約 反正賣掉也比給你好 你就去上國際法庭告他 事實上 我個人認為 無一處安全 只要不是在你眼可以看到的地方 即使放在眼可看到地方 一樣會被搶 所以我一直分散放在各各國家 然後祈禱....(沒辦法 小小人民)
買個夾萬其實所費無幾, 況且我又不是Scrooge McDuck(唐老鴨個舅父, 持金量世界第一), 不用蓋一座堡壘去收藏.
Cash and Carry is the best strategy!
If everything goes well, it goes well. if anything go wrong with K, you can expect to lose your money/metal.
it happened in many trust law cases. even if they give you a certificate saying you own a certain wine in their cellar which you can recall anytime, it is still possible that you don't get that wine when they go bankcrupt.
現鈔換現貨賺差價老實生意唔好做嘛, 揾大$點可以不弄點槓桿?
未必有心玩野, 趁機把手上長債甩掉也許是造勢不如乘勢吧!
美國佬又賣戰機畀台灣,又話要制裁呀爺操控匯率。呀爺拋下長債,施個下馬威都好自然。當然,中短期黎講,呀爺最多都只會係點到即止,始終兩者實力仍然有距離。玩寸左個 party對呀爺都冇著數。
FYI another MA interview with KWN, going to be release in a few days later