難寫過論文!不就是馬田大師第八集了!1869年至1900年的三十年,史料又多又亂,單是影印出來的筆記就有幾寸厚,很多資料更出現誤差,例如美國何時實行金本位,有的說1873,有的說1879,有的說1900,連《貨幣戰爭》的史料也發現可能有錯,如1866年的緊縮法案(P59),宋先生說是Contraction Act,但有人叫Funding Act of 1866,是兩條法案?還是那方錯了?
弗裏德曼這個判斷顯然得到了實證的支持,而有關資本流入的數據更是直接證據,“早在1863年2月荷蘭銀行就開始小規模購買美國證券”, 1864年聯邦政府在戰爭中的節節勝利“看起來預示了戰爭的迅速結束和北方的徹底勝利,這在一定程度上刺激了廣大投資者去持有綠幣資產,盡管當年黃金升水的上漲速度很快”,“這些事情對于恢復美國對英國投資者的吸引力十分重要”。
7 則留言:
President George W. Bush has bestowed on his intelligence czar, John Negroponte, broad authority, in the name of national security, to excuse publicly traded companies from their usual accounting and securities-disclosure obligations. Notice of the development came in a brief entry in the Federal Register, dated May 5, 2006,
What that means folks, is: J.P. Morgan’s derivatives book constitutes national and international security and they along with other large derivatives player are NECESSARILY excused from wrong way bets. The obscenely large derivatives books of J.P. Morgan and other select money center banks are being used to execute U.S. monetary policy and to achieve other arbitrary financial market outcomes. This has been occurring since at least the mid 1990’s and severely ramped-up in the mid 2000’s.
Additionally, what can be said for J.P. Morgan can also be said for the likes of B of A, Citibank, Goldman Sachs – all with derivatives books [currently] ranging from 44+ to 79+ Trillion in size. Take note of the TOTAL derivatives for Commercial Banks at 243 Trillion:
Gary Gensler, chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission; "In the aftermath of the last great financial crisis, President Franklin Roosevelt worked with Congress in the 1930s to bring regulation to the futures and securities markets. Futures and securities were not only regulated against fraud and manipulation, but also were regulated to ensure transparency and competition in the marketplace."
In Gensler's estimation, these regulations created enormous benefit but have not kept pace with the changes in the financial system, leading to an "opaque market, concentrated with a small number of financial institutions," which "contributed to a financial system brought to the brink of collapse." He's especially concerned with the over-the-counter derivatives market, which he said "began in 1981 and remain to this day largely unregulated." This is significant because these commodities have "balloon[ed] to approximately $300 trillion in notional value in the United States – that’s nearly 20 times the size of the American economy."
"all transactions in standard contracts" would "be required to be conducted on regulated trading facilities or exchanges."
The House passed a bill on December 11 that would increase transparency somewhat but that does not, in Gensler's view, go far enough.
While everyone in the world is longing for the change of regulation after the crisis and President Obama used this as one of his political platform, but recently, Spencer Bachus, chairman of the Financial Services Committee, introduce legislation to delay the regulation of derivatives until 2013. Why is he doing this? If government passed this bill, after the president election next year, it might be a permanently disseminate. According to ISDA, the notional amount of interest rate derivatives outstanding was $434.1 trillion at 2010, some even say by now 600Trillion is outstanding....
我都有睇啊 這紀錄片非常值得看及引以為戒...
Joe版主好~ 很久沒在這留言了, 上次留言是上年8月,
短短一年便是2個世界... 果陣的銀勁平啊...
另Eustace Mullins的書可能對Joe兄有幫助~
Fed purchase of treasury>>>Printing money
Foreign purchase of treasury>>>Not printing money