債權人:美國債務違約不可想象2011-06-08 17:31:06新浪財經訊
澳大利亞國民銀行(National Australia Bank)大宗商品經濟學家本-威斯特莫(Ben Westmore)表示:“在宏觀數據走軟的情況下,這對於經濟會產生可怕的影響。”
26 則留言:
係無qe3架啦, 不過有ab1 ab2....
let the ponzi scheme rolls on la. blue team red team are playing drama in DC. they will pass the credit card limit to 20 trillions. TurboTax Timmy already tapped pension funds and 401k until august. problem solved.
print print print. Green Shoot 2.0. uncle benny, man of the year, 2011.
quote of the day, "the game is rigged", bernie madoff, february 2011, federal prison interview with one of US newspapers.
The US has deficit that can't be paid off even if income tax rate is raised to 100%. This is a fact. so what can they do?
i. Drastically cut spending + Massive tax increase.
not that possible for spendthrift USA, a little too late for that kind of balance sheet, and most of all, impossible politically.
ii. Go bankcrupt and default on debt. it won't be pretty for the 'great' nation USA. it would make them the dishonest borrower and a disgrace. and why would they do that, they have a much easier and prettier option iii.
iii. inflat the money away. Turn on the printing press and pay off the debt with debased dollar. So they honour their 'promise' of paying back with US dollar albeit a devalued one, even ensuring hyperinflation, but what can you do about it?!
These people behind are very crafty. if they want something (say QE3, or a single world currency), they won't do it directly because they know you the masses might protest against it. so what they do is they create some sort of 'problem', and in that problem, you would come begging for the 'solution' that they want in the first place.
e.g. if they say before 2007 directly they will pump trillion of taxpayers' money into the private banking sector and sink the nation into a more debt burden, the masses would protest and vote no to the president. SO, they created the 2007 crisis, threatening worse umemployment, loss of retirement money...etc., chanting 'too big to fail'. so everyone was very obedient when they pump the money into the bankster's pocket.
Voila, there you get it, the 'solution' as they have wanted in the first place.
my guess is they are cultivating some sort of 'problem' situation now like the 'too big too fail' story, then the masses will be very obedient when QE3 is launched.
further down the line, they will have to print more money, triggering hyperinflation. Situation will be seriously bad then, people will be begging for a new currency. Probably a single currency that they have wanted all along. and it won't be surprising when the single currency will promise you the whole world with the rosy rhetoric like "avoid the disaster of hyperinflation in 201x year, stablising the currency, enable free trade...." similar sort of promise for the Euro then, or when the Federal Reserve is established to print money. and in a hyperinflation, people would be striving for basic necessity and survival, what choice are left of them except this silver lining of hope?
they get to do what they want all along only because we the masses are an idiot all along.
“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be.”
- Thomas Jefferson
一句講哂: "危機倒迫改革". 目的要係建立全球貨幣. 所以咪以為唔會違約 :P
不如整番個另類評級機構, 用來評一評各信用評級機構的可靠度.
明明一定爆的美債, 評為AAA根本不合理.
出動特區公安, 解放軍去拉人封艇?
罗杰斯对于美元地位发出警告,称当英镑失去了国际储备货币地位后,英镑贬值了90%,而美元也将如此。罗杰斯还对美联储主席伯南克(Ben Bernanke)提出尖锐批评,称其就任美联储主席以来“没有任何一件正确的事情,只知道印刷美元。”
美國違約會點? 由於美國社保基金d 錢全部都係買美國國債, 國債違約即係退休基金d 錢無晒. 退休保障全部化為灰燼. 此舉等於得罪晒全體美國國民, 想唔暴動都好難.
The Biggest Bank in France Has Suddenly Cut ATM Card Access to Cash in Half and People are Freaking Out!
~哈哈 散播世界沒日撚恐慌 撈取油賺到嘔~
不過,中國的路還很長....我估呀爺都唔信美國佬default,不過,就好大機會攪temp default作政府手段...呀爺嘅意思(我估)應該係,你點玩日本,歐洲,中東都好,我宜家攪緊通脹,你千其唔好玩temp default攪內鬥之餘,詐詐[帝帝]沖擊埋我啲人仔...
no need to default or temp default la. Idaho stateman, Rocky Barker would like a china free trade zones in state of Idaho. It's like building an american shenzhen city in USA. these pundits at US are selling america piece by piece to settle national debts.
see source below:
BTW, short term crash alert still in effects. Uncle benny and plunge protection team have been working on the dollar index. god blessed.
講玩股票金融市場, 中國還是起步階段. 點都唔夠老美玩.
To Matisse C-hing; a link you might be interested.
more wars planned by bilderberg. well, alex jones discloses a lot of truths. HOWEVER, we have to keep in mind. he is funded by the john birch society. the fear mongering tactics sometimes annoy the sheeples.
照計就唔會有QE3喇,但老尾每個月都入不敷支又點解決呢? 最大機會就係由尾聯處將手上d証卷、債卷賣比銀行,即變相從環球將資金抽走,再借番比老美(嘉芙蓮blog有寫),這樣老尾既有錢洗,又可襯祖國中小企缺水時再踩多腳,話唔定尾聯處遲d連歐債都賣埋,藉以推高歐元區息口,所以尋日歐行長都話7月可能會加息,試問以現在歐豬咁既環境,又點可能加息呢~ 所以好大機會係歐行長知道尾聯處將會賣歐債,所以自己唱定加息先。
我都很想知道究竟今天會有甚麼大事發生(有緣人兄所講), 以致成為明日各大報章的頭條新聞.
金管局收緊按揭成數算唔算? XDD