今日有幸跟一位親戚吃飯,他在大陸做生意,且做得頗有規模!飯局間,大家說起大陸的銀行體系的穩健程度,話間我突然想起早前Bosco曾提到,市場已有不少smart money開始short china,因為大陸的銀行借貸過熱,風險很大云云.......親戚一聽到,笑了出來,我當然追問!
中國的system異常複雜,如果不深入了解,單憑一些數字,以及在西方市場學會的數字分析就Short China,隨時墮入一張大黑網!看來金融戰不但有「明戰」,還有「暗戰」。
4 則留言:
嗶, 咁真係唔好買A股. 被人食哂D錢都唔知咩事. 我識得1位高手臂以前幫某大香港富豪做私人投資, 佢自己從來唔買A股, 佢話好多做假, 佢唔識睇, 所以淨係買港股同美股. 又1證明係啱既.
My friend, it's much more than that.
Your friend is only scratching the surface.
These are the good cases. Bad cases ended up in places like Macau, US, or "GDP".
Don't be silly to think those Smart Money are just Western Money. Think of Son of Premier Wen, what's he doing? It is a funny thing how many Mainlanders think Western people or Western educated people don't understand China, just like during the Qing Dynasty that we always think Westerners do not understand us. Quite the contrary, Japanese and Americans understand us more than ourselves. The aftermath of the implosion of China's 國進民退 is a series of big privatization then we will become just like Argentina. Without this implosion and privatization, the one in the power would not be able to turn national wealth into their pockets.
This is exactly the worst case of Chinese economy. A "Guessing" economy and a "Mystic" economy. Everyone's guessing there must be something "smart" in behind. Whereas there is no conspricy, no well-planned vision, there is only GREED. Nothing more bad in Pure Capitalism is being demonstrated in China right now. China is different? My ass. There is no China Miracle, it's just a case of world labor arbitrage and now the inflection point has come/past and it's all downhill from now. The recent strong posture from China on issues like rare earth and South China Sea has shown China has over-estatimted its cards and overplayed it.
Let's put it this way. After all is settled and done, what does China have and US doesn't and vice versa? All I see is US has more gold, stronger military, more flexible system, better educated population, less people to feed and self-sufficient, much better technology. If you ask me, RMB is even more worthless than US dollars, it's printed more and backed by less.
We can agree to disagree, I am ultra China bearish. We are at least 10 years late in the game of Wealth Rebalance (財富再分配) and thus missed the boat of the development of the next leg. This current corp of leaders have done a really lousy job.
所以我唔會再把太多資金放股市, 因為有幾多公司信得過 ? 考慮過, 要買都係買公用股 !